Learn All About Kalanchoe with our Guide
Kalanchoe is a subtropical flowering succulent native to Madagascar and tropical Africa. It is part of a genus of 125 species of tropical succulent plants and has been grown indoors for many years due to its easy care and little watering requirements. As well as its dainty display of flowers which come in a variety of colours.
Light |
Kalanchoe prefers bright indirect light however can tolerate some direct sunlight. |
Watering |
Water your Kalanchoe once every 2-3 weeks during the growing season (March-September). |
Humidity |
Kalanchoe do not enjoy high levels of humidity, therefore it is not necessary to mist them. |
Temperature |
Kalanchoe prefer temperatures between 15-29c. |
Fertilizer |
Feed your Kalanchoe once a month during the growing season (March-September). |
Toxicity |
Kalanchoe are toxic to both animals and humans, therefore it is best kept out of the way of pets and small children. |
Additional Care Information |
You can dead head the dead flowers on your Kalanchoe to encourage new growth. |
Troubleshooting |
If the growth of your Kalanchoe is becoming leggy, this is an sign that it is not receiving enough light, simply move the Kalanchoe to a brighter area. Yellow limp leaves on your Kalanchoe could indicate overwatering. Remove any mushy parts of the plant and allow soil to dry out completely before watering again. |
The information above is written by Plantila and should be used as a guide only. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any additional advice. If you have purchased a plant at Plantila that's not doing so well please send us a picture via WhatsApp to 028 42 798478 and we will try to help.