Learn All About Streptocarpus Pretty Turtle with our Guide
Native to Eastern regions of South Africa the Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle is a striking, flowering plant also know as Cape Primrose. Their uniquely variegated foliage makes for an interesting houseplant and their hardy nature makes the Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle a great beginners choice.
Light |
Bright, indirect light is best for Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle. Keep away from direct sunlight which will scorch the leaves. |
Watering |
Water your Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle once every 10 days within the growing season (March-September) and less often in Winter. |
Humidity |
Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle loves humidity however unlike most plants that love humid environments, Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle does not like to be misted. Instead place a pebble tray (a tray filled with smalls stones and covered in water) beside it. |
Temperature |
For it to thrive the best temperature range for Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle is 16-26c. |
Fertilizer |
Feed fortnightly within the growing season (March-September). |
Toxicity |
Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle is non-toxic to both animals and humans, therefore can live alongside pets and small children. |
Additional Care Information |
Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle flower better when they are slightly pot bound. The blooms are trumpet-shaped and come in shades of lavender, with dark purple veins and a yellow throat. The flowers, with the proper care, are abundant, bringing a splash of colour to any room. |
Troubleshooting |
A Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle with mushy or powdery leaves is a sign of overwatering. Remove the mushy parts of the Streptpcarpus Pretty Turtle and allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. Dry, crisp leaves indicates either underwatering or too much direct sunlight. If your watering routine is not the issue consider moving your plant back from the light. |
The information above is written by Plantila and should be used as a guide only. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you need any additional advice. If you have purchased a plant at Plantila that's not doing so well please send us a picture via WhatsApp to 028 42 798478 and we will try to help.